If you're someone born between 1985 and 1995, congratulations — you belong to one of the most unique generations in history. We're not just a generation; we're a bridge. A bridge between two vastly different worlds: the analog past and the digital future.
We had cassette tapes, VCRs, and those dreaded landlines in our younger years, but we are not still stuck in that kind of world; we easily learned to use CDs, DVDs, then went as far as streaming through Netflix. We had fun playing Mario, downloaded tones from Waptrick, and now scrolls endless videos on TikTok using smartphones.
We were the generation who played outside, hands covered in sand and mud, proudly carrying marbles that clinked in our pockets. In contrast, the generation after us carries smartphones and electronic gadgets instead. Our parents had to convince us to stay indoors, but now parents find themselves encouraging their kids to step outside and explore the world.
Our parents have taught us to work hard for what we want and never give up by believing in the long hours they spend at work. The generation that comes next believes that work would be done efficiently, automatically, or smart. Here we are learning from both worlds-how to know when to grind hard and how technology can make things easy.
In fact, we have seen everything that goes on in the world of the internet till this time. We remember using a dial-up to get that short dancing tone from the computer, having some chats on MSN Messenger, and also enjoyed chatting on MixIt. We also know what Snapchat filters, Instagram-stories, and even virtual reality experiences would do to us.
The generation before us can be scammed with simple emails asking for money and offering love. The generation after us knows it’s better to have four emails: one for serious stuff, social media, financial transactions and one for experiments for things you don’t trust. We’re in the middle—comfortable online, cautious about risks, yet always curious.
We inquire into tradition not out of rebellion, but curiosity. Why do we do things a certain way? Does it still make sense? And alongside that, we have also repect well and preserve values that are meaningful.
Our generation knows the old world, which used to operate without any dependence on the internet, and the new world, in which everything happens online. We have been the bridge translators, the mediators, and often, the problem-solvers in workplaces and families.